The keto diet has become increasingly popular in recent years, with the main focus of the diet in general being to send the body into a state of “ketosis” which is achieved via a strict diet that is low in carbohydrates. Ketosis refers to a process wherein the body will burn fat and use it as the main energy source ...

Tequila is great to shot, sure, but it’s also the key component in a number of cocktails. Nothing says good vibes quite like a fruity tequila cocktail, which is the perfect drink for any summer occasion. You probably immediately think of a sweet margarita, but did you know that tequila is a super versatile spirit that can be used to ...

Guin is one of the most popular alcohols, with a lot of versatility. There are many cocktails you can make with gin, some of the most common being a gin fizz, or a negroni. Gin is classic, and it is easy to make a delicious and refreshing cocktail. Summer is the perfect time for deliciously refreshing cocktails, and gin is ...

If you want to impress your guests at dinner time, then these desserts are definitely going to get them talking. They are also great for kids’ birthday parties, potlucks, and other events where you don’t want to spend too much time cooking. I’m sure you’ll agree that these desserts are super easy to prepare, and they taste amazing. So, what ...

When cooking for the family, it can be tricky to find recipes that everyone will enjoy. Kids and teens can often be very picky eaters, and are usually reluctant to try anything too different to what they would normally eat. However, the recipes shown here are ones that they’re sure to love. What’s more, they all feature everyone’s favorite meat, ...

Whether it’s Saint Patrick’s Day, or you are simply searching for a delicious Irish dessert to enjoy at home, you may be wondering where to start. Well, we’ve got the perfect solution! We have compiled a list of our favorite recipes from all over Ireland and beyond. From classic desserts like apple crumble, to boozy treats like the Irish Crème ...

Oreos are a magical baking ingredient. Thanks to their simple nature, they go with pretty much any sweet project you might have planned for the kitchen. If you’re looking for some good ideas on how to use them in your next batch of cookies or cupcakes, then keep reading. Here are 15 Oreo dessert recipes that will help you get ...

Dairy is an ingredient that, whilst delicious for many, is dangerous to others. This can often mean that they miss out on some of the most delicious desserts that most people can enjoy without worry. Well no longer! This list will include recipes from around the web that are free from dairy! So whether you have a dairy allergy or ...

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that has become very popular over the years. Its sweet flavor makes it perfect for cocktails, desserts, and even cooking. The popularity of grapefruit has grown tremendously in recent years. Today, many consider it a superfood because of its high vitamin C content, which will be beneficial for the immune system. Grapefruit also contains a ...

Chicken and shrimp are staples of many recipes in a hundred different cuisines. They are also one of the most popular types of meat or seafood to eat, with people from all over the world enjoying them.  If you want to try and make a dish out of both of these ingredients, then there is no better way than checking ...

A Dutch oven is a cast iron pot with a tight-fitting lid. They come in various sizes and shapes, but they all share one thing in common: they cook food evenly and retain heat well. The beauty of using a Dutch oven is that it allows you to cook foods slowly over low heat, allowing them to caramelize or brown ...

Are you interested in making some brandy cocktails at home? Read on for 15 brandy cocktail recipes! Brandy is a spirit that has been around since the Middle Ages, and it’s one of the oldest spirits available today. It was originally made from wine or other fermented beverages like beer and cider. Today, brandy is made by distilling wine or ...

Looking for a great appetizer or party hors d’oeuvre that’s rich, tasty, and easy to customize? Well, you’ve come to the right place, as you’ll find the best baked talaba recipe to fulfill your craving. Even though the name may sound foreign, chances are that you’re already familiar with baked talaba and may have even had it yourself. Keep reading ...

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has been dominating the cooking competition scene for almost two decades and has cemented several recipes as his own along the way. One of our favorite Gordon Ramsay recipes involves sea bass and an array of Mediterranean flavors. Keep reading to learn the Chilean sea bass recipe from Gordan Ramsey, and find out how you can ...

Nothing gets a party started as well as shots. You can never go wrong with a shot of tequila, but if you want to make it a little more interesting, impress your party guests with this Mexican candy shot recipe. Keep reading to learn how to make this shot for good times with your friends! What is a Mexican Candy ...

If you’re a fan of cocktail sauce with your shrimp, enjoy your lobster with butter, and love a good seafood boil, we’ve got the perfect sauce for you. Blove sauce takes the flavors of all three of these experiences to make the perfect buttery blend to have with your favorite seafood. But what is Blove sauce? Keep reading to find ...

Are you looking for some tasty Oster ice cream maker recipes? We've got several! ...

Are you looking for a tasty chicken delight recipe? We'll show how to quickly and easily create a delicious dish! ...

Conchitas recipe is not only popular in Mexico but also world-wide nowadays. Because of its appetizing flavors and tasty blast, everyone likes it very much.  In my family, my 8-years-old daughter loves it so much that almost every weekend she demands this soup. However, I was busy for a while. Thus, I couldn’t share this recipe with you guys. Finally, ...

Blue motorcycle is an alcoholic drink where different types of alcohol are used but yet it is smooth. It’s one of the most tempting cocktails which you can make with just a few ingredients. The color of this drink is one of the most attractive things about this blue motorcycle recipe, along with that the smoothness and sweetness attract the ...

Wanna avoid...

Burning your Ruth's Chris Chicken?

Too much garlic in your Garlic Butter Shrimp?

Drying out your Ribeye Roast?​